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Compilers ~ The Dragon Book - 1986

Chapter 1 - Introduction to Compiling

On the general subject of compiling.


  • components of a compiler
  • environment in which a compiler does its job
  • tools to make it easier to build compilers

1.1 Compilers

compiler - a program that reads a program written in the source language and translates it into an equivalent target program in the target language. The compiler reports errors in the source program as error messages.

  • "basic tasks" all compilers perform "are the same"
  • Thousands of source languages
  • Target languages include
    • Another programming language
    • Machine language of any computer (microprocessor to supercomputer)
  • Some compiler classifications - based on structure or function
    • single-pass
    • multi-pass
    • load-and-go
    • debugging
    • optimizing
    • etc.
  • advances in compilers:
    • implementation languages
    • programming environments
    • software tools

The Analysis-Synthesis Model of Compilation

The 2 parts of compilation are analysis and synthesis.

  1. Analysis - Break the source program into pieces and create an intermediate representation of the source program.
  2. Synthesis - Construct the target program from the intermediate representation *requires the most specialized techniques
  • Operations of source program are determined & recorded in a tree, (hierarchical structure).
  • Often a syntax tree
    • node == operation
    • children of node == arguments of operation
    • in the text diagram, operations can be arguments:
      • position := initial + rate * 60
  • Many software tools that manipulate source programs first perform some kind of analysis
    1. Structure Editors - text editor + autocomplete + linter + static analysis + etc.
      • real-time partial analysis
    2. Pretty Printers - structure viewer for humans
    3. Static Checkers - attempt to discover potential bugs without running the program. Similar to optimizing compilers.
      • code that cannot be executed in the course of the program
      • variable used before defined
      • catch logical errors (type checking / use real variable as pointer)
    4. Interpreters - Instead of producing target program, perform the operations implied by source program
Compilers aren't just for machine code

The analysis portion of compiling shows up in these examples:

  1. Text formatters - Format text for output in a textual format
  2. Silicon compilers - Input is a conventional programming source language. Variables represent signals or signal groups in switching circuits. Outputs a circuit design in an appropriate target language
  3. Query interpreters - translates a predicate containing relational and boolean operators into commands to search a database for records satisfying the predicate

The Context of a Compiler

Other programs may be needed to create the executable target program.

  • A preprocessor might:
    • collect parts of the source program stored in separate files
    • expand macros into source language statements.

See fig 1.3 page 4.

  • A target program may require further processing to run.
    • assembler - translate assembly to machine code
    • linker - link to library routines

1.2 Analysis of the source program

Introducing analysis and illustrate its use in some text-formatting languages. Also see chapters 2-4, 6.

Three Phases of Analysis
  1. Linear Analysis
    • AKA: lexical analysis or scanning
    • read stream of source program left-to-right and group into tokens, streams of characters, with collective meaning
  2. Hierarchical Analysis
    • AKA: syntax analysis or parsing
    • hierarchically group characters/tokens into meaningful nested collections
  3. Semantic Analysis
    • find semantic errors, identify operands, type checking
    • check that components of a program fit together meaningfully

Lexical Analysis

Linear analysis is called lexical analysis or scanning. See example page 5.

Create tokens from the source program stream. Discard separators, e.g. whitespace.

Syntax Analysis

Hierarchical Analsysis is called parsing or syntax analysis.

Group the tokens into grammatical phrases for the compiler to synthesize output. Usually the grammatical phrases are represented by a parse tree or a syntax tree.

  1. parse tree - statements, expressions, and identifers are all nodes. A precise definition is not given, see fig. 1.4, page 6.
  2. syntax tree - Compressed representation of a parse tree. Operators appear as interior nodes and operands are the children of that operator's node. See Section 5.2.

There is a good example here, page 6.

expressions, recursive rules, (nonrecursive) basis rules, and definition rules, and statements are described in the example but not introduced as formal terms.

The division between lexical and syntactic analysis is somewhat arbitrary. We usually choose a division that simplifies the overall task of analysis.

Factors for division between lexical and syntactic analysis:
  1. Is the source language construct recursive or not?
    • Lexical constructs - do not require recursion.
      • identifiers - strings of letters+digits beginning with a letter
      • recursion not necessary to recognize identifiers, typically scan until non-(letter+number) and group back to beginning
      • the grouped characters are recorded in a symbol table and removed from the input (so the pointer is back at the beginning)
      • the next token is then processed.
    • Syntactic constructs often require recursion.
      • linear scan cannot analyze expressions or statements
      • cannot match parentheses in expressions
      • cannot match begin and end in statements
      • unless there is a hierarchical or nesting structure ON the input
  2. Context-free grammars - formalization of recursive rule that can be used to guide syntactic analysis
    • See chapter 2 for introduction, chapter 4 for extensive treatment.
Syntax-directed translation

The compiler uses the hierarchical structure on the input to help generate the output.

See: Chapters 2, 5.

Semantic Analysis

  • check source program for semantic errors
  • gather type information for subsequent code-generation phase
  • use hierarchical structure determined by syntax-analysis phase to identify operators and operands of expressions and statements

  • type checking: compiler checks that each operator has permitted operands based on source language specification. Must also check for operator coercions.

    • Part of semantic analysis, see ch. 6.
    • example: binary arithmetic operator applied to integer & real, converts integer to real, see example 1.1 and fig. 1.5 inttoreal

Analysis in Text Formatters

TEX uses hierarchical arrangement in boxes as part of the syntax analysis to describe the relative position of groups of vertical and horizontal characters. See p.8-9 for fig 1.6-1.7.

1.3 The Phases of a Compiler

  • A compiler operates in conceptual phases. Each transforms the source program from one representation to another.
  • Some phases may be grouped together. Intermediate representations between grouped phases need not be explicity constructed.
  • See fig. 1.9, page 10 for a "typical decomposition of a compiler".

There are six phases between source program and target program:

  1. Lexical Analyzer
  2. Syntax Analyzer
  3. Semantic Analyzer
  4. Intermediate Code Generator
  5. Code Optimizer
  6. Code Generator

See figure 1.10 , page 13, for a detailed translation of position := initial + rate * 60.

Supplementary Phases (used during every phase)
  1. Symbol-table manager
  2. Error handler

Symbol-Table Management

  • Symbol Table: data structure containing a record for each identifier with fields for the attributes of the identifier. Quickly find, store, and retrieve data for that identifier.
  • The identifier is added by the lexical analyzer but the identifier's attributes are typically added and consumed during later phases.
  • An attribute could be something like storage, scope, type. If the identifier is a procedure: perhaps number and type of arguments, method of passing arguments (by reference, etc.), and type returned, if any.
  • See chapters: 2, 7 for more about symbol tables.

Error Detection and Reporting

Each phase must encounter and deal with errors, and potentially proceed.

  • The syntax analyzer and semantic analyzer typically handle a large fraction of errors.
  • The lexical analyzer may encounter errors when remaining characters do not form a token.
  • The syntax analyser finds errors where the token stream violates the structure rules.
  • The semantic analyzer can find errors where a meaningless operation occurs, e.g. add an array to the name of a procedure.
  • Further discussion of errors for each phase is included in the part of the book devoted to that phase.

The Analysis Phase

  • As translation progresses, the compiler's representatin of the source program changes.
  • note: In this diagram and chapter, the intermediate representation is considered/proxied as the syntax tree and symbol table. The data structure for the tree in fig. 1.10 is shown in fig. 1.11b.
  • Lexical analysis is covered in chapter 3.

Intermediate Code Generation

  • Some compilers generate an explicit intermediate representation of the source program, "a program for an abstract machine".
  • Variety of forms.
  • Chapter 8 covers principle intermediate representations in compilers. Chapters 5, 8 cover algorithms for generating intermedaite code for typical programming language constructs.
Properties of an intermediate representation
  1. easy to produce
  2. easy to translate into the target program
Three-address code

Three-address code consists of a sequence of instructions, each of which has at most three operands.

Assembly language for a machine in which every memory location can act like a register.

Code Optimization

Goal: improve intermediate code.

  • Simple example on pages 14-15.
  • Chapter 9 discusses simple optimizations.
  • Chapter 10 gives technology used by most powerful optimizing compilers.

Code Generation

Goal: generate target code from intermediate code.

  • Normally this gives relocateable machine code or assembly code.
  • A crucial aspect is assignment of variables to registers.
  • Simple example on pages 15-16.
  • Chapter 9 covers code generation.

1.4 Cousins of the Compiler

This section is about a compiler's typical operating context.


Produce the input to compilers. Everything here seems to boil down to macros.

  1. Macro processing: allow user to define macros as shorhand for longer constructs.
  2. File inclusion: include header files into the program text, e.g. in c language: #include <global.h> is replaced by the contents of global.h
  3. "Rational" preprocessors: Add capabilities to a language, especially for flow control and data structures. Same as macros functionally?
  4. Language Extensions: More macros, different use. See example in book.

Example 1.2 on page 16.


Assembly code is a mnemonic version of machine code, where names are used instead of binary codes for operations. Names are also given to memory addresses.

It is customary for assembly languages to have macro facilities that are similar to those in the macro preprocessors described above.

Two-pass Assembly

Simple assemblers make two passes over the input file, where a pass reads a input file once.

  1. The first pass finds and stores identifiers, assigning storage locations in the symbol table.
  2. The second pass translates operation code into the bits representing that operation in machine language. It also translates each identifier intot he address given for that identifier in the symbol table.

The output of the second pass is usually relocateable machine code, which means it can be loaded starting in any memory location, L, in memory. If L is added to all addresses in the code, all references will be correct.

Thus, the output of the assembler must distinguish those portions of instructions that refer to addresses that can be relocated.

See example 3, page 18-19.

A loader usually performs both loading and link-editing.

  1. loading: Taking relocateable machine code, altering the relocateable address, and placing the altered instructions and data in memory at the proper locations.
  2. link-editor: Make a single program from several files of relocateable machine code. Many of the files result from separate compiles, and often are stored in separate locations for system-wide use. e.g. libraries.
  3. external reference: code in one file references a location in another file. May be data or an entry point to a procedure.
    • relocateable machine code file must retain the information in the symbol table for:
      • each data location defined in one file and used in another
      • each entry point of a procedure defined in one file and used in another
    • if not known in advance, must include entire symbol table as part of relocateable machine code

1.5 The Grouping of Phases

Multiple phases are often grouped together in compiler implementations.

Front and Back Ends

  1. Front end: largely independent of target machine, based on source language
    • lexical analysis
    • syntactic analysis
    • symbol table creation
    • semantic analysis
    • generate intermediate code
  2. Back end:
    • code optimization
    • code generation
    • error handling
    • symbol table operations

Fairly routine: keep the front end of a compiler and redo the back end for another machine. Parts of the back end can even be kept. Further discussion in Chapter 9.

It is also tempting to compile several different languages into the same intermediate language and use a common back end for the different front ends, thereby obtaining several compilers for one machine. However, because of subtle differences in the viewpoints of different languages, there has been only limited success in this direction.


Many phases can be done in one pass. Organizing phases into passes is complex and discussed for some specific implementations in chapter 12.

The whole back end may be one pass, immedately producing intermediate code.

We may think of the syntax analyzer as being 'in charge'. As it discovers grammatical structure, the parser can call intermediate code generation. See chapter 2 for a compiler with this implementation.

Reducing the Number of Passes

Goal: Have relatively few passes.

Goal: Don't use up all the system memory.

Reconciling these could create tension.

The interface between the lexical and syntactic analyzers can often be limited to a single token. It is often very hard to perform code generation until the intermediate representation has been completely generated.

  1. backpatching: merge intermediate code and target code generation can often be merged into one pass by creating a slot and filling it once the information becomes available. See the example, page 21.

To ensure you do not use too much space, you can reduce the distance over which backpatching occurs.

1.6 Compiler-Construction Tools

Chapter eleven discusses software tools for implementing a compiler.

There are specialized tools for implementing various phases of a compiler

These tools are called variously:

  • compiler-compilers
  • compiler-generators
  • translator-writing systems

Specialized tools are typically oriented around a model of languages and are suitable for languages following that model.

Tools exist for automatic design of specific compiler components, they use specialized languages for specifying and implementing the component. The most successful hide details of generation algorithm and make components that are easily integrated into the remainder of the compiler.

A list of compiler construction tools
  1. Parser generators: produce syntax analyzers normally from in put based on context-free grammar. Syntax analysis used to be very time consuming but now is "one of the easiest phases to implement". Often parser generators use parsing algorithms too complex to do by hand.
  2. Scanner generators: automatically generate lexical analyzers, normally from a specification based on regular expressions. The lexical analyzer is effectively a finite automaton. See chapter 3, implementations in section 3.5, section 3.8.
  3. Syntax-directed translation engines: produce collections of routines that walk the parse tree, generating intermediate code. One or more translations are associated with each node of the parse tree, each translation defined in terms of its neighbor nodes in the tree. See chapter 5.
  4. Automatic code generators: take a collection of rules defining intermediate language->target language and replace the intermediate rules with templates that represent sequences of machine instructions. Something about tiling intermediate code without a combinatorial explosion in compiler running time. See chapter 9.
  5. Data-flow engines: data flow analysis is used in optimization. How are values transmitted from one part of a program to each other part? Especially as the user defines relationships between intermediate code statements and the information being gathered. See Section 10.11.

Bibliographic Notes

Lots of parallel discovery, hard to attribute credit. Page 23-24 have references.