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  • wholeheartedness / not wholeheartedness determines what you pass to your children


  • courage, compassion, connection - 3 daily tools for developing "worthiness".
  • practice daily
  • love, belonging, worthiness
  • this is later
  • some words are redefined in the book, some already well defined in psych literature
  • play - required, already well defined

  • people who live wholehearted DIG when they "dig deep" when they have hit their limit but need to knock out one last labor because it's needed, even though you're totally spent:

  • DIG: deliberate, inspired, going
    • deliberate - prayer, meditation
    • inspired - make new different choices
    • going - take action
  • intentionally do something restorative, like watch something inspiring on netflix.
  • likely more on this later