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General guide to calorie facts.

You use your bmr to determine how many calories you can eat.

There is a variance of 25% between individuals so you basically MUST build an empirical baseline for yourself.

Start at the low end of your calorie intake for a few weeks, then slightly adjust to achieve your ideal weight loss based on calorie expense. You should lose 1-2 lbs, but more importantly, that should be pretty consistent each week (aka NOT 1.2 lb then 1.8 lb then back to 1.2 lb).

How many calories do I burn in a day?

Calorimetry Device

Online BMR tests with rigid formulas are not the most accurate method of determining an individual's BMR. It is better to consult a certified specialist or measure BMR through a calorimetry device. These handheld devices are available in many health and fitness clubs, doctor offices, and weight-loss clinics.

Results from a hand-held calorimeter were similar to those obtained from metabolic cart studies. The Douglas bag method compared to the MedGem indicated a significant agreement with a p=0.286. The hand-held device compared to metabolic carts in 9 studies with mixed results. The predictive equations (Harris-Benedict, Mifflin St. Joer and FAO/WHO equations) were found to over and underestimate RMR compared to the MedGem. The Harris-Benedict was found to overestimate the RMR by 3-11%, the Mifflin St Joer equation overestimated the RMR by 1% and the FAO/WHO equation overestimated RMR by 12%.

Total energy expenditure (TEE) consists of three major components: basal metabolic rate (BMR), thermogenic effect of food, and the effect of physical activity or exercise.1 Basal metabolic rate is defined as the measurement of resting energy expenditure under the following conditions: a state of complete rest, ambient temperature is between 68° to 77° Fahrenheit. The subject is tested immediately upon waking after a minimum of a four hour sleep and in a post-absorptive state (12 hours after a meal). Thermogenic effect of food refers to the heat the body generates as food is digested. Physical activity is any activity in which work is performed which results in an increase in metabolic rate. Resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is synonymous with resting energy expenditure (REE), is not measured under basal conditions. It is a measurement taken during a fast (two to four hours after a meal) and allows for some movement with a rest period prior to testing.1,2 The RMR is usually higher than the BMR due to less restrictive conditions for measureing RMR. Therefore, basal metabolic rate accounts for 60- 75% 1 of TEE while RMR accounts for 50-70% of TEE.. Since the difference between BMR and RMR is only about 10%, it is more practical to measure RMR in a clinical setting.2 In clinical settings RMR is used to determine accurate energy expenditure of a patient's caloric needs. Resting metabolic rate can be measured either directly or indirectly.

trent: the medgem seems fine until you have any deviation from normal including old age - see the details inside the study...

Harris-Benedict Formula Calculations

Muscle Mass – Aerobic exercise such as running or cycling has no effect on BMR. However, anaerobic exercise, such as weight-lifting, indirectly leads to a higher BMR because it builds muscle mass, increasing resting energy consumption. The more muscle mass in the physical composition of an individual, the higher the BMR required to sustain their body at a certain level.

  • my bmr: 1955 calories / day
  • bmr calculator

  • men: BMR = 10 * weight(kg) + 6.25 * height(cm) - 5 * age(y) + 5

  • women: BMR = 10 * weight(kg) + 6.25 * height(cm) - 5 * age(y) - 161
    • Why do you just subtract a constant from the men's BMR to get the womens' BMR? This seems like bullshit.
My Calorie Calculator

Using this calculator

  • 3031 calories to maintain weight
  • 2531 calories to lose 1 lb per week
  • 2031 calories to lose 2 lb per week
How do I think about this?

Well, the BMR calculator said 1955, so 2031 - 1955 = 76 excess calories before factoring in exercise.

The resting exercise state is 1.2x and my moderately active state is 1.55x. 1.55-1.2 = 0.35x.

1955 * 0.35x = 684 calories/day spent to exercise related behavior

My Ideal Weight

Using this calculator

  • Based on the Robinson formula (1983), your ideal weight is 177.5 lbs
  • Based on the Miller formula (1983), your ideal weight is 170.5 lbs
  • Based on the Devine formula (1974), your ideal weight is 186.3 lbs
  • Based on the Hamwi formula (1964), your ideal weight is 195.1 lbs
  • Based on the healthy BMI recommendation, your recommended weight is 148.0 lbs - 200.0 lbs

Healthline calculations

based on:

  • BMR: Basal Metabolic Rate
    • Sex, Age, Weight
    • men: 66 + 6.2 x weight + 12.7 x height + 6.76 x age = BMR for men
    • women: 655.1 + 4.35 x weight + 4.7 x height + 4.7 x age = BMR for women
  • This is insane
    • so a person with more fat needs more calories? shouldn't it be by lean bodymass?
    • An older person needs 50 more calories per decade??
  • trent: 66 + 6.2 x 205 lbs + 12.7 x (12 x 6 + 3) + 6.76 x 34 = 66 + 1271 + 952.5 + 229.84 = 2519.34
  • activity level is moderately active (mod exercise 3-5 days per week)
    • but I do hard exercise 3-5 days per week... which there is no choice for... kinda bullshit so you can only exercise hard 6-7 days per week...
      • but, the difference is 1.55 versus 1.725 so i could fudge this constant easily...
  • total calories = 2519.34 * 1.55 = 3904.98 calores per day
    • This is truly insane and I have no faith in this number

BMR Effects

  • Cold environments raise BMR, external heat raises BMR (body trends towards homeostasis)
  • Starvation reduces BMR negatively impacting weight loss -- along with many negative effects: physical, psychological, permanent damage
  • Caffeine is supposed to raise BMR


If there are inconsistencies, prefer better vetted literature. Use more than one source for all facts!
