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Setting up a Dell OptiPlex FX160

  1. Use a sata 22-pin extender to add a 2.5" drive
  2. Update the BIOS Settings

    1. In System -> Boot Options (make sure both the drive and usb are inserted)

      1. Hard Drive
      2. USB
      3. (no option)
      4. (no option)
      5. (no option)
    2. In Drives -> SATA Operation select AHCI

    3. Optional: reset security settings by unseating the bios coin battery for 1 minute
    4. Download xubuntu 16.04.2 iso and write to a flash drive
    5. Attach a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and ethernet cable or USB wifi card
    6. install xubuntu
    7. Select: install 3rd party software and download updates during install
    8. Set an appropriate: hostname, username, and password
    9. Install vim, openssh-server, and openssh-client
    10. Get a static IP on your local network (lan)
    11. Paste the contents in the snippet below into /etc/network/interfaces


    interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)

    default loopback interface (from install)

    auto lo iface lo inet loopback

    auto enp2s0 iface enp2s0 inet static address 192.168.1.ddd netmask gateway

    google DNS

    dns-nameservers ```

    • Update your address and gateway for your local network
    • Additionally, your interface name may be different, here called enp2s0
      • Find your interface by typing ifconfig, it is the one that is not lo
      • Make sure you are setting up the interface you will always be using
    • Ubuntu guarantees consistent naming for these interfaces per hardware configuration
    • SSH into your computer through your local network at the correct local IP
    • If you will connect over the internet, test this too through a remote connection
    • Restart the computer, optionally test SSH again
    • If everything works, you can remove the peripherals and manage the machine through SSH
    • This guide does not cover securing or managing your installation.