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Raspi Home Setup

Raspberry Pi Home Setup

A history of how my two raspberry pi headless machines were set up at home.


Consider writing a service to detect and deliver changes to raspberry PI IP addresses over a static location such as digitalocean/flask.



  • Apt

    1. sudo apt-get update
    2. sudo apt-get upgrade
    3. sudo apt-get install vim git tree tmux pwgen fail2ban
  • SSH Port

    1. Add additional ssh port Port 2200 to /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    2. Set PermitRootLogin to 'no' in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    3. Restart ssh server: sudo service sshd restart
    4. Add ssh port forwarding on router
  • Static IP: sudo vim /etc/dhcpcd.conf

    1. Append this to the file (change as necessary):
interface eth0    
static ip_address=    
static routers=    
static domain_name_servers= 


  • FIRST: Advanced Options -> Update (update the tool)

    • Note: if this triggers an update, this file will need updated too.
  • Expand Filesystem (select it to auto expand)

  • Change User Password: pi password to a pwgen -cn 12 password

  • Boot Options -> Console

  • Internationalization

    1. Set timezone to Pacific Ocean
    2. Set keyboard to 101-key, US Standard
    3. Set wifi country to United States
  • Advanced Options

    1. Hostname -> Change to desired hostname
    2. Memory Split -> 16 (headless needs no gpu)
    3. SSH -> Enable (default)

User Management

  • Add user

    1. adduser robbintt - use a new pwgen -cn 12 password. Add robbintt to sudo group
    2. Create SSH keys ssh-keygen
    3. Add SSH pubkey to bitbucket dotfiles.git as deployment key
    4. cd ~; git clone .dotfiles
    5. Unpack dotfile symlinks w/ script
    6. Log in as user, delete any pi account ssh keys.
    7. Configure dotfiles ssh to include user, port.
    8. Add authorized_keys from other machines as necessary and update .ssh/config in dotfiles. Redeploy dotfiles.
  • Remove pi NOPASSWD sudo priveleges in visudo