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Ssh Vnc Reverse Proxy

VNC Reverse Proxy

In order to create a reverse proxy, you will need access to the server behind the firewall and a computer with a static IP address to proxy/receive the connection from your laptop.


  1. Setup - proxy server/computer
    • Make sure it has a static IP and that the sshd server is active
    • Set the sshd_config's GatewayPorts clientspecified - this is used to allow any domain to hit the proxy
  2. Installation - computer/server behind the firewall
    • apt install autossh tightvncserver xfce4 xfce4-goodies firefox
    • store the vnc server password somewhere safe, choose connection 1 as that corresponds to port 5901
    • Write a systemd unit for connecting to the proxy
    • replace your_username_here with your username and with the IP or DNS hostname of your proxy server
    • Install the systemd service, restart the daemon, start it, and enable it.

```[Unit] Description=AutoSSH Tunnel

[Service] User=your_username_here Environment="AUTOSSH_GATETIME=0" ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh -M 0 -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -NR *:5901:localhost:5901 your_username_here@ -p 22

[Install] ```

  1. Connect to vnc server
    • use the default mac client $ open vnc://
    • you should not need to specify a username or anything else
    • or use a specialized client


  1. Configure the tightvncserver service or pick a different one if preferred.
  2. Consider better macos, windows, linux vnc clients and special configuration options
  3. Option: per-user vnc connection instead of per user proxy