Personal Training 20230724
Goal Ideas
This is just a rough scratchpad.
- Compound weightlifting stuff, organize this better
- squats, deadlifts, i have like 8 others I am interested in, and whatever else too
- Lose 8 lbs, be at 8% body fat. Current target wt. 190.3 lbs.
- straightforwards: just 8 weeks of my current cardio/lifting without any cheeseburgers or pizza. I don't need to calorie count based on the low importance of the 8 week timeline.
- Develop a good routine: Dynamic Warmups before exercise, static stretching after exercise
- Improve balance in each leg and between legs, half ball stuff, what else?
- Mobility
- improve range of motion in shoulders and arms
- Determine needs for hip mobility
general tips
- really feel and hold the squeeze at the top
- use a slow negative/eccentric too, 3 seconds up, pause and flex the muscle 2 seconds, 3 seconds down
- How often should I foam roll? I don't want to do it like... 6 hours a week...
- my guess: more is better, watch TV and foam roll like every other day
- what is the squat case in which I can somehow put strain or sliding on the knees? Maybe it isn't one of my problems?
- how can i improve mobility to get a bit deeper into my squat?
- what works the anterior deltoids on the two arm seated cable pull out of A I Y T? Do I have anything in my workouts that works the anterior deltoids?
- how does holding the squeeze go for say a curl, should i pause halfway down in the eccentric?
- how do i pause and flex "at the top" (or wherever) in other exercises than a pushup?
- how do you use the 2 lacrosse balls taped together? any more lacrosse ball tips?
Body Composition Machine
Nothing notable, 11.1% body fat.
I think recommended is 10%-20% and minimum acceptable is about 6%.
Based on this I don't need to lose any weight and can really only lose 21.9 - (198.3*.06) == 10.0 lbs
BUT - all body fat loss is good for my cholesterol, so maybe I will aim for a 7-8% body fat.
In this case, lose 21.9 - (198.3*.07) == 8 lbs.
Target weight: 190.3 lbs
Squat Form
- to get the leg form, clench your butt and feel the tension pushing your outside feet into the ground and your outside legs flexingand your hips widening outwards
- knees should be above toes, going straight down
- squat should be wide, toes might be slightly out, it's based on body type
- low position is femurs parallel to the ground
- go straight down, don't tip forwards
- squat facing and up against the mirror to prevent leaning forwards
- i didn't do this, but may in the future
- i didn't tip back when i was holding a ~20 lbs kettlebell upside down and squatting with that
- if i just do a bunch of squats, will i stop tipping back as I get more stability?
- when going up activate the glutes A LOT
- breathing: inhale before going down, part of the way up, start your exhale, queston: is this related to the glute activation time? i will get a feel for it...
Squat Stability
Two leg squat stability
- stand on the half ball and squat, hold something for support
- ensure your feet are even forward and back
- ball is more advanced, you can also use the big black cube things
Single Leg squat Stability
- stability exercise: stand on the half ball with one foot in the dead center
- move your other foot in front, then to the side, then back
- this is not exaggerated, just a few inches on each one, rotate between front, parallel, back, parallel, front, etc.
- maybe do this 10 times
- stability is a constant importance, even a 350 lbs squat was able to get to 420 by doing like 100 squats on a half ball
- muscle imbalance shows up as the fast rocking back and forth on the half ball
Pushup Stability
- pushups on the half ball, don't grip the outsides, keep your hands flat
- we did this for 5 minutes, I had good pushup stability
- this was still a great exercise and I should repeat it
- 3 seconds down, 3 seconds up, 2 second flex at the top
- flex your muscles manually at the top for 2 seconds
- this manual activation will improve the burn
- even stop halfway down and hold it
- "time in position" or something? basically you hold it, that will give a good workout
- more strengthening in the negative of the weightlifting
- also pause/hold movement in tension for 2 seconds, e.g. halfway down
Two arm seated cable pull
Goal: Work the A and I positions into my back and core day, maybe move core day to leg day?
- Shoulder Mobility, 4 positions: A, I, Y, T
- I do a 30 deg. bench dumbbell reverse fly in the T and Y positions
- I felt very weak in the A position, both arms straight pulling down alongside my hips
- I used the minimum weight
- didn't really feel the activation much below my shoulderblades
- need to work this a lot to get these muscles going
- I felt weaker in the I position, both arms overhead, need to work on this too
Broom Handle
I should get a broom handle for my house, as this doesn't need to be done in the gym and probably needs done daily.
- Shoulder mobility
- find the minimum width where you can very smoothly clear the broom handle from in front of your hips to behind your hips
- the whole exercise should be smooth, going from front to back, then back to front
- keep the bar as far away from your body as you can throughout
- repeat it 15 times or something
- This is very wide for me, and I should be able to reduce the distance between my hands over time by doing this daily
Hold 12" ball between the elbow and the knee, then hold the opposite leg and arm up and out, at kind of a 45 degree angle
Elbow plank
- should be called "forearm plank" keep the weight distributed on my forearms, avoid lots on the elbows.
- keep the shoulders over the forearms
- keep a strong stance throughout, try not to sag
- 4 x 90 second plank is a good benchmark, get it in
- i don't think elbow should be harder than hand?
Foam rolling
Tools: foam roller (hard), lacrosse ball
Rolling is a misnomer, it should be foam pressing or something. You only roll to find the spot, then you hold it there.
- lacrosse ball is great, you can go pretty hard, but don't go too hard
- put a string on a lacrosse ball for using against the wall
tape 2 lacrosse balls together for the legs, not sure why
You don't need to wait until you are tight to do this, do it early and do it often.
- Keep the pressure until you feel the release.
- positions:
- between the hip flare bone and the hip bone there are muscles that fan out, whatever those are
- anterior to the fan out is the hip flexor
- posterior to the fan out is something that needs it too
- similar to pidgeon to get the muscle outside of the shin - i definitely feel this
- calves etc
- classic leg foam rolling, i have done this a hundred times, hit the IT band, anywhere you can feel it, do it unti you get the release
Dynamic warmups
Dynamic warmup before exercise, static stretching after exercise/cardio (end of workout)
- For tomorrow: Alternatingly 25x - stand on one foot and sweep my arms up, sort of like a partial squat in the hips and knee. Switch feet each time.