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Training Today


  1. Dynamic Warmup - Lunges with Arms in stirrups
    • lunge forwards and feel the arms pull out
    • use the T and the Y shapes to stretch the arms and shoulders
    • do this for a few minutes
  2. Barbell Rack Squats
    • weights: bar, 25s, 35s, 45s
    • I only got like 4 of the barbell+45s, but will be able to do more later
    • SAFETY: when racking, walk bar into the rack all the way, then lower
    • SAFETY: when racking, don't jam your finger
    • pull the bar down onto the traps and engage the lats, keep it locked
    • hands are of a natural distance on the grip, outside the shoulders
    • keep using the broom handle daily to improve the shoulder mobility
    • take one step back from the rack only
    • ensure feet are aligned on a line on the floor
    • get some flat shoes
    • time to squat. Breathe in all the way before lowering
    • activate your abs and core, keep your lats activated, and lower
    • the bar should go STRIGHT DOWN AND UP
    • your butt should not go out a lot
    • your knees should not go forwards, only very slightly at the bottom and stay over your toes, not pass the toes
  3. RDL deadlifts?
    • weights: barbell + 25 each
    • I think that means romanian deadlift
    • keep the bar pushing against your legs the whole time
    • keep the lats activated
    • remember feeling with trainer pulling bar away from my legs with a band
    • go from upright to a few inches below the knee
    • hands must be symmetrical on the bar
    • AVOID INJURY: activate the abs and core, otherwise you will activate the back too much
  4. balance, step backwards into foot saddle, lunge knee to ground
    • sqeeze the back foot's glute as you get into the position
    • feel the front quad burn, feel the back hip stretch
    • go to the bottom to get your spacing when needed
    • should be a lunge position with front knee over foot
  5. Captain's chair: a. 15 both leg raises, don't lower too far, lower abs b. 10 (20 total) - one leg raises alternating c. purpose: improve core to support squats

Planning for this week

  • I would like to focus on technique with barbell rack squats
  • my feeling is I could do 4x12 every other day focusing solely on technique in addition to my normal workouts (maybe not leg day)
  • It's important to hit the captain's chair hard to build core stability
  • also do everything else