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Training Session

Deadlifts with Viper Grips

  • Was able to do bar+25s easily, with good form
  • Keel the shoulders down and back, pinch a pencil between your shoulderblades
  • Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up, each of 10 reps
  • Was able to do bar+35s pretty easily as well
  • Feel confident this weight will go up as I keep practicing
  • The gloves should put a lot of the weight onto the wrists
    • be sure to keep the bar tight against the hand and avoid holding it too tight with pinkies
    • the pain I had without was in the left ulnar side (electric shock from pinkie to outside of wrist)

Farmer's Walk

  • Did 60s in each hand, used the viper hand grips for this as well.
  • Smaller steps are better!
  • Lower the weights by squatting down with a straight back
  • Walk about 10 meters, turn to the left or right (alternate) and walk back.
  • Keep your chest up and powerful (confident chest)
  • Each step should be well controlled
  • When I was getting tired I really started to feel the same engagement as a squat
    • what I mean is squeezing the knees out and feeling the outsides of the hips engaged
  • I really like this one, but I don't know exactly where the engagement should come from yet
    • spend more time on this next week
  • Hand position is at rest at the sides
  • Avoid - Alternate hand position is hands in front of shoulders at a 45 degree angle to the head, weight nearly over shoulders - max weight for this position was only 35-40 lbs, not sure)
    • Avoid this due to pressure on the wrists


  • Plank with arms, keep the chest over the hands for a good plankl
    • Weight should NOT be in the legs.
    • To keep yourself honest, plank in socks on a slippery floor. No friction on feet bc no feet support should be used.