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Training 2024-04-02

  • Slept 7 hours, recovery is bad due to infant.
  • Focus on mobility and technique


Olympic Lifting (o lifting)

  • Front squat - warm up
  • Thrusters - front squat with momentum through like a jerk
  • note: this is not a jerk, the thruster does not shelf after the front squat
  • Clean and Jerk
  • We did a variation with a front squat after the clean
    • Be going down for the squat as you shelf the clean
  • Dont muscle it!! power comes from the momentum
  • the barbell should travel in a straight line when you clean and get under it
    • you move around the barbell, you never move the barbell laterally
  • TODO: I need to write down wrist mobility exercises from the past
    • hand plank with wrists: sideways out, sideways in, sideways back, and finally on the backs of your hands
    • TODO what else?
  • for competition you always jerk with the same leg forwards
  • push your head through, bar should be in a straight line over you, locked
  • i used right (main) leg forwards
  • Q: Is there any recommendation to swap legs for general bodybuilding?
    • Or should you just not jerk for bodybuilding?
  • I did get tired after several of these, so need some more endurance for jerks


  • start in a squat. 10x touch the knee to the ground between the feet (a bit forwards) while rotating the body naturally out and away. repeat other side.
  • mermaids, then stand up on the knee each time
  • start sitting on but with knees up and feet at like 30 degrees, rotate left knee to right ankle, and then stand up on right knee. reverse it back to neutral and do left, then back to neutral
  • plank, then foot up to outside the hand, thread the same hand behind the ankle and activate everything, alternate to opposite side
  • plank, then foot up to outside of hand, then lower same elbow to the foot, it should really give some activation. raise the same hand above your opposite hand, stacking the shoulders and open the chest. that's the end, repeat opposite side
  • lay prone (forehead touching ground, and grip a pvc pipe behind the back of your head, relax into it, have partner lift the pipe as you relax into it
  • 3x 90 second plank every day