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Wp Install Another

Another method for installing WordPress

  1. Get the WordPress files
    1. cd /var/www/websites
    2. sudo -u www-data mkdir -p ./public_html/logs
    3. sudo -u www-data touch ./public_html/logs/error.log ./public_html/logs/access.log
    4. cd public_html
    5. sudo -u www-data wp core download
    • remove original wp-content
    • download wp-base git repo from taui source, use submodules for 3rd party themes/plugins
      • consider hosting stable mirrors of these 3rd party things and upgrading manually
      • this would be quite possible by simply hosting my own submodules and leaving the 3rd party sources as non upstream
  3. Generate the database, user, and password for this WordPress instance
    1. Login to MySQL as the root user: $ sudo mysql -u root
      • No password required on MySQL 5.7 (or enter password at prompt on 5.5)
      • note that you must use root system privs to login to root mysql on 5.7
    2. create database {Database Name};
    3. create user '{User}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{Password}'
      • Does the next step create the user automatically if you don't do this?
    4. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON {db}.* To '{user}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwd}';
    5. view your changes: mysql> select user, host, password from mysql.user;
    6. mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; then mysql> quit;
  4. Set the wp-config.php salts and database info according to the MySQL information.
  5. Use wp-cli for first time install
    • it is usually aliased to wp
    • `sudo -u www-data wp core install --title=Example --admin_user=ex-admin --admin_password=123xyz
    • if installed in a subdirectory then wp option update siteurl


  1. HOW DOES THIS WORK? wp db create - create a new database using the wp-config.php
    • not needed with my manual steps, but would i benefit from it?
  2. How about sane default settings from wp-cli?
    • correct url rewrite rule
    • traceback pingback settings in 'reading' or whatever
    • remove tagline!!
  3. Enumerate even more sane defaults
  4. Create step 2. This will need to:
    1. install the custom wp-base
    2. enable theme and plugins for wp-base