Amindfornumbers Ch12 Learningtoappreciateyourtalent

  • chunks of math and science learning or other "book learning" or skills are the same as chunks about "how to throw a ball" or "how to swing a bat".
  • at some point stop thinking about each part of the chunk and just skip to the result eg you know 10 times 10 is 100. Use the chunked knowledge for more advanced ideas the same way, such understanding gas equations, eg when T goes up, either P or V should go up, and how thet depends on the open/closed system
  • chess masters often have average IQ. They spend years memorizing chunks of chess scenarios.
  • working memory is useful for keeping stuff in your mind but can hinder the creative process
  • creativity can be turning over a chunk of knowledge in your head and checking it from all angles. Trent: probably the creativity part comes when we find a way to connect it to another chunk, eg a new way of thinking about them.
  • creativity can be about switching from focus mode to diffuse mode
  • move on quickly when stuck. Come back a little later with a fresh approach (don't start where you left off)

  • working memory - can be expanded by learning to repeat longer and longer backwards digits by memory. any ios app for this?

  • trent's creativity idea: identify a chunk and make new connections to it across disciplines. branch deeply and see what you come up with. try to make this a rote style connection and see if your brain finds even more connections.