Amindfornunbers Ch14 Developing The Minds Eye

  • imagination, visualization, and perspective can help simplify ideas
  • transfer is when you can use skills from one discipline to more quickly learn a new discipline
  • eli5
  • multitasking hurts learning depth and causes less transfer
  • einstein imagined he was a photon

  • feynman liked "explain it to a 10 year old" and got many others to clarify ideas by trying this. Most complex things can be made simpler to explain
  • the brain thinks in pictures or concepts as well as words, along probably with many other ways. So don't only think in words?
  • learning and teaching have a conflict between abstract learning and applications learning. Abstract is favored by mathematicians to enhance transfer. Both are needed.
  • as nurses progress through school they have to study less because their context grows, so remembering more is easier