Simpler Emacs
I intend to install a number of packages from spacemacs.
: get a prompt
At the prompt
nb: RET
is return key
, the whitespace is for readability.
package-list-packages RET
: list packagespackage-install RET
: get a package install promptevil RET
: i did not findevil-mode
in the packages, so installedevil
Installing Packages
The emacs wiki has a guide.
Installing use-package
An easier way to install packages? People like it. Seems heavy to me...
Customize Group
- M-x customize-group seems to have context for customizing stuff
- try it and choose
- M-
: You can press escape then the key instead of meta.
- Evil Plugins
- lots of additional features
- Undo Tree should go to a directory in $HOME? right now it goes to $TMPDIR in macos which may be deleted??
- Undo Tree & Persistent Buffer - done?
- emacswiki.org: Category Undo
- UndoTree: like vim?
- apparently has a corruption bug with this feature, a fork is incomplete
- apparently undo-tree does this but it has a major corruption bug with this specific feature, and the solution right now is to use emacs server, so i'm going to do that
- emacs server - the only way to get persistent undo for now as you never exit the session
Desired Spacemacs Packages
- helm
- evil-mode
- Aaron Bieber's "Vim to Emacs in 14 days" post
- this was pretty out of date but a good general guide
- took lots of googling to find the right command for evil-mode stuff
- emacswiki.org: evil