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Learning HTML5 Native Game Dev

It looks like there are a lot of different ways to do this, and games are typically packaged for ios using phonegap or cordova.


  1. Make some simple games in html5
  2. Somehow translate the games to mobile native (Android & iOS)
    • Otherwise I may have to relearn a lot of platform specific knowledge...
  3. Leverage existing javascript libraries for multiplayer, maybe even run a server/api for play between phone and browser users


  1. Package someone else's game for iOS with Phonegap (or Cordova) just to see it happen.
  2. I plan to use the default phonegap hello world app to test this out.
  3. Make modifications to the game and package again to iOS.

More Engines!


  • SVG Keyframe animations may be sort of restricted to data visualization, not games
  • Game Engines tend to use webgl and fallback to canvas
  • Converting to iOS

Option: phaser.js

They offer a community edition and a paid product. They claim it is intended to be packaged for native apps. I wonder if many examples of this exist. I should get it up and running for ios and android. It is the 2nd most starred on github after pixi.js.

Phase is a 2d game engine.


Option: react-game-kit

Pitch from the dev:

  • Use the same game code for web, iOS, android
  • Use react
  • Hot reload game logic
  • Don't have to learn unity



interactive guide


Jeffrey built this (source).

i made this once. this uses matter.js as well as react-game-kit, the status of which i’m unaware. seems straightforward enough, although it uses the DOM instead of canvas, which i’m iffy about - Jeffrey

Formidable Labs does great stuff - Nick

Option: PlayCanvas

I signed up for this with a google account. It seems to provide an environment for pretty rich 3d art. I doubt you would develop the assets in playcanvas, but I don't know that much about it. It doesn't seem like quite what I am looking for.

PlayCanvas is a suite of products:

  • PlayCanvas Engine
    • Open Source / MIT Licensed on Github: PlayCanvas Engine
    • "The open-source PlayCanvas Engine is the world's most advanced WebGL game engine. Use JavaScript to program anything from simple 2D games to advanced 3D graphics simulations. All written in standards-compliant, cross-platform HTML5 for every major browser and device."
    • Tiny footprint, mobile optimized: "The PlayCanvas Engine has a tiny footprint that loads and executes incredibly quickly. The PlayCanvas Engine gives incredible performance, even on devices such as the iPhone 4S."
  • a webgl authoring tool, with a UI similar to adobe products.

Option: pixi.js

2D Sprite Managment. PixiJS is a rendering library, so you still need the game framework. It's sounding like there is a standard way to pack javascript into a native app, so that might not be important.


Option: Unreal Engine 4

Does html5, maybe overkill.