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Javascript Notes

Javascript Reference Notes

Understanding: JavaScript Versions

Understanding: Modern node.js

In September 2015, Node.js v0.12 and io.js v3.3 were merged back together into Node v4.0.[36] This brought V8 ES6 features into Node.js, and a long-term support release cycle.[37] As of 2016, the io.js website recommends that developers switch back to Node.js.[38]

Understanding: JavaScript Engines

Understanding: ES6 Browser Support

Each browser just depends on its JavaScript Engine.

  • Edge 14, Firefox 45, and Chrome 51 support most of ES6.
  • Safari 6.1/7 seems to have almost no support.
  • Safari 7.1/8 seems to have only 20% coverage.
  • Safari 9 has 50% coverage.
  • Safari TP supports most of ES6. What is safari TP?

Javascript Refresher:

  • ES6 Reserved Words
  • JavaScript 'String' type and String Escapes
  • ES6 Template Literals (previously template strings)
  • MDN JavaScript Reference
  • Comparison Operators
    • Use strict equals and not equals as much as possible: === and !==
  • Expressions and Operators (advanced operators)
  • Functions Reference
  • Error handling: throw, try, catch, finally
  • Arrays
    • myarray.push(thingy); to append thingy to the end.
    • var shifted_thingy = myarray.pop(); to remove the last (rightmost) thingy.
    • myarray.unshift(thingy); to left-append thingy to the beginning.
    • var shifted_thingy = myarray.shift(); to remove the leftmost thingy.
    • shift and pop return the removed value.
    • push and unshift return the new length of the array.
    • push and unshift can take multiple arguments.
    • Join array values to make a long string: myarray.join(', ');
    • Combine arrays: new_array = myarray.concat(another_array);
    • Find the index of a value in an array: i = myarray.indexOf('apple');. If apple doesn't exist, return -1.
  • Objects
    • var shifted_thingy = myarray.shift();
    • for... in loop for objects. for (var key in myobject) { console.log(key, " : ", myobject[key]); }
    • window is the global object in the browser. document and screen exist inside window but are aliased in the global scope, as far as I understand.
    • View these in the browser console by typing window or document to view the objects. Also check out window.location or etc.
    • Also: window.document.head === document.head. THUS: Document Object Model. The document object is your .html, .php, .aspx, etc object.
  • Ellipses / ... / Spread Syntax
    • Ellipses are the same as a * operator in python on an argument list.
    • Ellipses supports both modes, in functions and when passing arrays to functions.

JavaScript Browser API: MDN Web API Reference

Special Note on innerText/textContent (from treehouse docs):

  • Mozilla didn't implement innerText but has implemented textContent.
  • innerText can be used in older versions of Internet Explorer and all versions of Chrome and Safari.
  • textContent can be used in Internet Explorer 9 onwards and all other browsers.
  • Here's some cross-browser compatible code for the edit button:
  // cross compatible code
  if (typeof editButton.innerText === "undefined")  {
    editButton.textContent = "Edit";
  } else {
    editButton.innerText = "Edit";
[The four-P's Problem Solving Method] (
- Preparation: Understand the problem. Think up a high-level solution.
- Plan: Plan out the solution.
- Perform: Perform what is required.
- Perfect: Perfect our solution incrementally. Nothing is ever 'perfect'.
Arrow Functions
- `var myfunc = (param1, param2, , paramN) => { // multiline-statements }`
- Cancels the default action bound to the element, e.g. onClick submit a form is cancelled.
- See plotly react tutorial Part II for a use case and example.


JavaScript Engine in WebKit browsers