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Reactsfmeetup 20161013 Animation

React Animation

  • Speaker:

  • About Speaker: Comes from game development industry

Game Animation

  • 30 FPS doesn't really work out, you need to get to 60 fps
  • Debugging is very challenging


  • Sad about the animation quality (gives a number of really terrible animation examples.
  • CSS3 animations

    • better performance
    • fairly easy to use
    • no programmatic control - trigger and forget
    • cross browser support (it's better now)
  • DOM

    • Incredibly slow
    • Inconsistent API with bad cross-browser support
    • never meant to support complex single page apps
  • Single page apps

    • Code and state management is near impossible in a jQuery App
    • State management is bad in backbone
  • But - react + redux

    • fast rendering
    • fast state management

So with react+redux can we do the cool stuff from the game dev industry?

  • We don't have the years of experience and code patterns...
  • (get the example from the presentation)
    • sets css3 opacity from reducer based on scroll
    • getOpacityFromScroll(action.yScroll)
    • use connect to make sure react component can listen to and get state of the redux store
    • connect is a library that works between react and redux. quite popular?
    • one way data flow, set and forget
    • very performant, fluid
      • did not use time control but redux has it
      • in redux you can go frame by frame with time control to debug weird animation frames
  • can we make the demo better?
    • maybe make middleware
    • perhaps write a general animation library based on the concept
      • wraps the whole thing (jquery but in react/redux)


  • Have you tried particle systems based on this demo?
    • not yet but i want to
  • "Sara Drasner" or something that sounds similar is an authority on doing this sort of particle based animation
  • question person: shoutout to "greenstuff" or something similar, GSAP animation library?
  • Are you using react native at instacart?
    • no we are in native and we are moving code to swift, we are trying to get all our code to swift