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Reactsfmeetup 20161013 Reactasync

React Async

  • Speaker:
  • Works at: HelloSign

Plans to give 60 free seats at

High level summary

  • React has won on the UI side.

    • Angular 2 similar to react
    • Ember moved to component approach
  • Stuff missing in redux with async

    • There is middleware redux-saga for async
  • New frontier in javascript is async

JavaScript Revolution

  • JQuery, Backbone, Knockout, Angular, Angular2, etc.
    • Now we are seeing the patterns emerge and react has 'won'
    • But react is just one part of the architecture
      • Should only handle view layer
  • State management: redux has simplified it
    • "redux is a great step forwards"
  • Redux:
    • Manage state through pure functions and unidirectional data flow
    • Your UI becomes a state machine
    • hen your redux store state changes your react views respond with new data
    • HelloSign has 5 single page apps. Some started implementing redux
      • Result: moved business logic out of react components which is the goal

Redux is a workflow - NOT a "complete architecture"

  • We need an architecture on top of redux
    • Approach to this: redux middleware
      • think of middleware as a third party extension - django analogy
    • uses currying to dispatch... (see slides)
  • Lets look at some code examples
  • Promises: only three states
    • pending
    • ??
    • rejected
  • However, async we also need to be able to cancel async processes
  • Redux documentation says redux-thunk but the author says - this is wrong
    • redux-thunk is a function that wraps an expression to delay its evaluation
  • Wrap whatever function into another function and have the middleware (redux-thunk) run it later
    • speaker has an example of redux-thunk wrapping in the presentation
  • redux-thunk evaluation:
    • Great for small projects
    • super simple
    • fast to run
    • easy to test in node
    • dependency injection is hard to do...
      • recently redux allows passing an extra value in the thunk
      • but you always have to pass your dependencies in here which adds a lot of code
    • fsa - flux standard action
      • a set of standards describing what an action should look like
    • redux thunk is not fsa compliant
    • doesn't scale well
      • tons of action creators dispatching functions, hard to track down
    • "too easy to forget error handling and pending state"
      • forgetting to do the cache
      • forgetting to set a spinner when loading
    • no way to cancel a thunk - ouch
  • rxjs: Reactive eXtensions for JavaScript
    • functional reactive programming
      • need to have a masters or phd to understand functional js
    • If Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) is your thing this is for you
    • netflix uses it a ton
    • does a lot of stuff redux already does, it's probably not a good thing to use WITH redux.
    • rxjs is really robust already
  • redux-saga: saga pattern in redux
    • author uses a ton at HelloSign
    • based on generators
      • author considers generators a better strategy than async await in many cases
    • "turns your async code into a pillar of your architecture"
    • instead of dispatching thunks, you create sagas to gather all your Side Effects logic in a central place
    • saga pattern: ... (look it up, there's a technical paper about it)


  • Redux is great for managing state but incomplete; missing:
    • `

He just skipped this slide... get the slides


  • Generators is a learning curve with redux saga "The 80/20 of Generators" - book
    • create your own babel and something or other
    • Title is probably: "The 80/20 of ES2015 Generators" by Valeri Karpov
  • guy comments: angular 2 observables can be used in the same way as redux-saga
  • guy question: are observables the future?
    • speaker: observables got pushed back and there has been actual pushback against it
      • netflix is pushing hard for something or other with observables, maybe 'falcor'
  • react, redux etc support ie8 i guess, or maybe just hellosign?
  • Highlight of promise to saga is cancelable. If that is async how is it really cancelable?
    • My undestanding is that it stops calling .next on it, maybe...
    • or just drops the result as a cancel maybe?
    • try... catch has finally which may be responsible for canceling