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Airflow on Kubernetes at WePay

  • Speaker: William @ WePay
  • Where: WePay @ Redwood City
  • When: 2018.04.11

"Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and tell them what you told them."

"I now refer to dags as dags, but I swore that we should change the culture and call them workflows and now I am calling them dags. But we should call them workflows." - William

trent: it sounds like they version their dags somehow...

Question: Are you versioning your DAGs? No we are using git describe so counting up version from a parent.

Max: Use Apache Arrow to store serialized data, then use xcom_push and pull to send & retrieve the data. Don't store too much serialized data in xcom stuff.

Max: Backfill is so common, you might consider setting up a whole backflow framework. (Trent: maybe just run a whole scheduler with separate dags that have backfill enabled with a different pool of workers...)

Max: If you are doing local surgeries or magic on your data, you probably want to keep that in the DAG and use conditionals for what the date is to determine what to do, that way someone running a regular DAG backfill isn't going to blow away your surgery.

Max: We would build a dag framework for backfilling that would build a custom dag for a particular date range and manage that, then programmatically manage date ranges. Then managing those backfill datasets into production db as atomic operations.

Initial (non k8s) deployment

  • Airflow under supervisord (scheduler and webserver on same box)
  • Manually ssh & pip install
  • Cron job every 2 minutes to git pull and update the dags
    • not a good approach to anything... sorry...
    • couple layers of review... one person reviews the commit for a few minutes and says "sure (implied ok whatever)"


  • Everyone running on the same airflow
  • No isolation (resources, dependencies)
  • Deploys are monolithic
  • Scalability
  • Limited Availability
  • Cowboy Culture: ssh to box and run commands: We had pets not cattle (snowflakes)


  • nginx sidecar
  • airflow scheduler and webser still in the same pod
  • cloudsql
  • elk kubernetes
  • still running under supervisor
  • no more cron job to git pull DAGs, moved to situation where manually push endpoint on pod to get new dags (pull tarball artifact), not terribly interesting


  • control deployment
  • easily deployed: cattle
  • DAG deployment
  • isolation / security
  • scalable (multiple airflows per team)
  • docker
  • secrets

KubernetesExecutor / KubernetesOperator (K8SOperator)

Very excited to do this. We use the localexecutor with kubernetes pods so we don't need celery.