Define Operationally Excellent Architectures
5.1 Choose design features in solutions that enable operational excellence.
- metrics: latency, http, 4xx errors, 5xx errors, etc.
- cloudwatch can give metrics on ec2 based on what we can measure
- can't measure how much data you have stored on ebs volume - no metric
- cloudwatch custom metrics - you can report your own metrics to cloudwatch then set alarms
Exam Questions
- CodeDeploy: Amazon EC2, Fargate, lambda, on-prem servers
Infrastructure as Code
- Version your infrastructure
Applications can rely on specific changes to infrastructure
Branch your infastructure (e.g. git)
- Work on multiple things concurrently
Run version 2 while working on version 3.
Audit changes
- Traceability: who and why
AWS CodeCommit
Not on SA Associate - but on developer. Need to know codesuite.
- Fully managed source control service
- HA, durable
- Encryption
- No limit on repo size
- Does it support LFS? Need to think about what LFS even is...
AWS CodeDeploy
- Fully managed deployment services
- Blue/Green Deployments
- Deployment Health Tracking
- Automatically rollback if failure is detected
- Exam Question: Amazon EC2, Fargate, lambda, on-prem servers
AWS CodePipeline
- We skipped over this, don't really need to know about it for this purpose.