Cypherpunks Writecode 20161112
Cypherpunks Write Code - Protecting Online Privacy
Speaker: Steve
Date: 2016.11.12
Basis: Cypherpunks Manifesto - Eric Hughes (2003)
See quote from this about writing software.
- Complacency
- Available Applications
- Whatsapp owned by facebook, hard to know about tampering
- Signal
- 2/3 of Tor users have left since 2013 fall
- 2-3 million out of billions of internet users
- PRISM Partners and what they collect (Apple, Facebook, Google, etc.)
One Possible Solution
- Cypherpunks writing code
- Regular hackathons with ~2 official projects for each
- Designers Contributing
- More useable software (than historic cypherpunk work)
Project Requirements Idea
- Open Source
- Project must include well defined tasks for us to do
- Github issues, openness in allowing anyone to contribute to issues
- Project representative should be in attendance (virtual or physical)
- Represenative helps guide efforts and also attend event
- Represeentative should:
- motivate why their projec is important
- and which features are a priority
Shout Out: DESIGN == GOOD
- Lets appreciate good design!
- Snowden / Greenwald could barely figure out PGP
- Project maintainer said 'screw that guy he should have figured it out or gone away'
Project Discussion: Which projects deserve our attention?
- Online Discussion
- Wiki
- Dymaxion: Please Stop Writing Messaging Apps
- Contains 24 other ideas for Cypherpunk apps