Pyclass Vector Packing 20161114
Vector Packing: An NP-Hard Problem Made Easy
Speaker: Conor Frailey, Turnout: 12 people = 10 students, 1 speaker, and 1 of me.
The Knapsack Problem - playing tetris for a living, sort of.
Jupyter Notebook Presentation Online
Technical Details of Problem:
See instructor notes, the definitions are very detailed.
- Knapsacks are each identical in the context of the problem (volume, weight reqs.)
- Items have a volume and a weight
- Weight can be described for items as a percentage a knapsack.
- In this description, all knapsacks can contain (1,1) which means (100%, 100%)
- You want to use as few knapsacks as possible
- You group items by partition to find the solution
- cannot just brute force it, factorial combinations means takes TOO long
- e.g. 40 boxes means 40! tries which is not possible to brute force
- partition (math) - distinct groups of your set
- bin packing is different - uses three linear dimensions
- What is NP-Hard
- Is P == NP?
- P means problems solvable in polynomial time
- If you can solve this in polynomial time you can solve almost anything in polynomial time
- If you can form a problem into a
convex optimization problem
, you are super happy- space has to be convex
- it keeps on curving up, you want to find the minimum
- gradient descent is used in high dimensions to find the minimum
- pick a point and go towards zero
- if you have
mixed integer program
you can do a noncontiguous set of point- you can't have a continuous number of cases of beef
- thus you can't use gradient descent on cases of beef
- list of MIP solvers in the notes
- MIP programs are super expensive so we can't use it today
- we can use online tool:
Arc-flow VPSolver
- you can't have a continuous number of cases of beef
has a docker image available on docker hub- Hypergraph - a collection of distinct objects and a connection between two or more
- example: customer orders a subset of the products, a "group". Another customer orders a second subset, different group. They might overlap some products, or even be identical but different customer.
- solving with a hypergraph. use the first item as a reference, then start optimizing and reducing symmetry. Hit hotspots where employee has to go to more than one (too many) aisles.
Other Examples
1. Vacationing on a short vacation, want to do as many things as possible
- Each day has finite time
- You can only walk so much a day
- You can only spend so much money per day (per diem)
2. Data centers and their virtual machines
3. Refrigerated warehouses
- Fixed height rack, movable height shelves inside racks
- All pallets are standard, except height
- Get the pallets onto the shelves