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Module portray.config

Defines the configuration defaults and load functions used by portray

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"""Defines the configuration defaults and load functions used by `portray`"""

import _ast

import ast

import os

import re

import warnings

from pathlib import Path

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import mkdocs.config as _mkdocs_config  # noqa

import mkdocs.exceptions as _mkdocs_exceptions  # noqa

from git import Repo

from toml import load as toml_load

from portray.exceptions import NoProjectFound


    "docs_dir": "docs",

    "extra_dirs": ["art", "images", "media"],

    "output_dir": "site",

    "port": 8000,

    "host": "",

    "append_directory_to_python_path": True,

    "include_reference_documentation": True,

    "labels": {"Cli": "CLI", "Api": "API", "Http": "HTTP", "Pypi": "PyPI"},

    "extra_markdown_extensions": [],


MKDOCS_DEFAULTS: Dict[str, Any] = {

    "site_name": os.path.basename(os.getcwd()),

    "config_file_path": os.getcwd(),

    "theme": {

        "name": "material",

        "palette": {"primary": "green", "accent": "lightgreen"},

        "custom_dir": os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "mkdocs_templates"),


    "markdown_extensions": [








PDOCS_DEFAULTS: Dict = {"overwrite": True, "exclude_source": False}

def project(directory: str, config_file: str, **overrides) -> dict:

    """Returns back the complete configuration - including all sub configuration components

    defined below that `portray` was able to determine for the project


    if not (

        os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, config_file))

        or os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, ""))

        or "modules" in overrides


        raise NoProjectFound(directory)

    project_config: Dict[str, Any] = {**PORTRAY_DEFAULTS, "directory": directory}

    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, "")):

        project_config.update(setup_py(os.path.join(directory, "")))

    project_config.update(toml(os.path.join(directory, config_file)))


    project_config.setdefault("modules", [os.path.basename(os.getcwd()).replace("-", "_")])

    project_config.setdefault("pdocs", {}).setdefault("modules", project_config["modules"])

    mkdocs_config = project_config.get("mkdocs", {})


        "extra_markdown_extensions", project_config.get("extra_markdown_extensions", [])


    project_config["mkdocs"] = mkdocs(directory, **mkdocs_config)

    if "pdoc3" in project_config:


            "pdoc3 config usage is deprecated in favor of pdocs. "

            "pdoc3 section will be ignored. ",



    project_config["pdocs"] = pdocs(directory, **project_config.get("pdocs", {}))

    return project_config

def setup_py(location: str) -> dict:

    """Returns back any configuration info we are able to determine from a file"""

    setup_config = {}


        with open(location) as setup_py_file:

            for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(

                if (

                    type(node) == _ast.Call

                    and type(getattr(node, "func", None)) == _ast.Name

                    and == "setup"  # type: ignore


                    for keyword in node.keywords:  # type: ignore

                        if keyword.arg == "packages":

                            setup_config["modules"] = ast.literal_eval(keyword.value)



    except Exception as error:

        warnings.warn(f"Error ({error}) occurred trying to parse file: {location}")

    return setup_config

def toml(location: str) -> dict:

    """Returns back the configuration found within the projects

    [TOML]( config (if there is one).

    Generally this is a `pyproject.toml` file at the root of the project

    with a `[tool.portray]` section defined.



        location_exists = os.path.exists(location)

        if not location_exists:

            warnings.warn(f'\nNo config file found at location: "{location}"')

            return {}

    except Exception as detection_error:  # pragma: no cover

        warnings.warn(f'\nUnable to check config at "{location}" due to error: {detection_error}')


        toml_config = toml_load(location)

        tools = toml_config.get("tool", {})

        config = tools.get("portray", {})

        config["file"] = location

        if "modules" not in config:

            if "poetry" in tools and "name" in tools["poetry"]:

                config["modules"] = [tools["poetry"]["name"]]

            elif (

                "flit" in tools

                and "metadata" in tools["flit"]

                and "module" in tools["flit"]["metadata"]


                config["modules"] = [tools["flit"]["metadata"]["module"]]

        return config

    except Exception as load_config_error:

        warnings.warn(f'\nConfig file at "{location}" has errors: {load_config_error}')

    return {}

def repository(

    directory: str,

    repo_url: Optional[str] = None,

    repo_name: Optional[str] = None,

    edit_uri: Optional[str] = None,

    normalize_repo_url: bool = True,


) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]:

    """Returns back any information that can be determined by introspecting the projects git repo

    (if there is one).



        if repo_url is None:

            repo_url = Repo(directory).remotes.origin.url

        if repo_name is None:

            match ="(:(//)?)([\w\.@\:/\-~]+)(\.git)?(/)?", repo_url)

            if match:

                path = match.groups()[2]


                path = repo_url

            repo_name = path.split("/")[-1]

            if repo_name.endswith(".git"):

                repo_name = repo_name[: -len(".git")]

        if edit_uri is None:

            if "github" in repo_url or "gitlab" in repo_url:

                edit_uri = "edit/main/"

            elif "bitbucket" in repo_url:

                edit_uri = "src/default/docs/"

        if normalize_repo_url:

            if repo_url.startswith("git@") and ":" in repo_url:

                tld, path = repo_url[4:].split(":")

                repo_url = f"https://{tld}/{path}"

            elif repo_url.startswith("https://") and "@" in repo_url:

                repo_url = f"https://{repo_url.split('@')[1]}"

            if repo_url and "github" in repo_url or "gitlab" in repo_url or "bitbucket" in repo_url:

                repo_url = repo_url.replace(".git", "")

        return {

            key: value

            for key, value in {

                "repo_url": repo_url,

                "repo_name": repo_name,

                "edit_uri": edit_uri,


            if value


    except Exception:

        warnings.warn("Unable to identify `repo_name`, `repo_url`, and `edit_uri` automatically.")

        return {}

def mkdocs(directory: str, **overrides) -> dict:

    """Returns back the configuration that will be used when running mkdocs"""

    mkdocs_config: Dict[str, Any] = {


        **repository(directory, **overrides),



    theme = mkdocs_config["theme"]

    if theme["name"].lower() == "material":

        if "custom_dir" in theme:

            theme["custom_dir"] = Path(theme["custom_dir"]).absolute().as_posix()


            theme["custom_dir"] = MKDOCS_DEFAULTS["theme"]["custom_dir"]

    nav = mkdocs_config.get("nav", None)

    if nav and hasattr(nav[0], "copy"):

        mkdocs_config["nav"] = [nav_item.copy() for nav_item in nav]

    mkdocs_config["markdown_extensions"] = mkdocs_config["markdown_extensions"] + mkdocs_config.pop(

        "extra_markdown_extensions", []


    return mkdocs_config

def pdocs(directory: str, **overrides) -> dict:

    """Returns back the configuration that will be used when running pdocs"""

    defaults = {**PDOCS_DEFAULTS}


    return defaults





def mkdocs(
    directory: str,
) -> dict

Returns back the configuration that will be used when running mkdocs

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def mkdocs(directory: str, **overrides) -> dict:

    """Returns back the configuration that will be used when running mkdocs"""

    mkdocs_config: Dict[str, Any] = {


        **repository(directory, **overrides),



    theme = mkdocs_config["theme"]

    if theme["name"].lower() == "material":

        if "custom_dir" in theme:

            theme["custom_dir"] = Path(theme["custom_dir"]).absolute().as_posix()


            theme["custom_dir"] = MKDOCS_DEFAULTS["theme"]["custom_dir"]

    nav = mkdocs_config.get("nav", None)

    if nav and hasattr(nav[0], "copy"):

        mkdocs_config["nav"] = [nav_item.copy() for nav_item in nav]

    mkdocs_config["markdown_extensions"] = mkdocs_config["markdown_extensions"] + mkdocs_config.pop(

        "extra_markdown_extensions", []


    return mkdocs_config


def pdocs(
    directory: str,
) -> dict

Returns back the configuration that will be used when running pdocs

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def pdocs(directory: str, **overrides) -> dict:

    """Returns back the configuration that will be used when running pdocs"""

    defaults = {**PDOCS_DEFAULTS}


    return defaults


def project(
    directory: str,
    config_file: str,
) -> dict

Returns back the complete configuration - including all sub configuration components

defined below that portray was able to determine for the project

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def project(directory: str, config_file: str, **overrides) -> dict:

    """Returns back the complete configuration - including all sub configuration components

    defined below that `portray` was able to determine for the project


    if not (

        os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, config_file))

        or os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, ""))

        or "modules" in overrides


        raise NoProjectFound(directory)

    project_config: Dict[str, Any] = {**PORTRAY_DEFAULTS, "directory": directory}

    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, "")):

        project_config.update(setup_py(os.path.join(directory, "")))

    project_config.update(toml(os.path.join(directory, config_file)))


    project_config.setdefault("modules", [os.path.basename(os.getcwd()).replace("-", "_")])

    project_config.setdefault("pdocs", {}).setdefault("modules", project_config["modules"])

    mkdocs_config = project_config.get("mkdocs", {})


        "extra_markdown_extensions", project_config.get("extra_markdown_extensions", [])


    project_config["mkdocs"] = mkdocs(directory, **mkdocs_config)

    if "pdoc3" in project_config:


            "pdoc3 config usage is deprecated in favor of pdocs. "

            "pdoc3 section will be ignored. ",



    project_config["pdocs"] = pdocs(directory, **project_config.get("pdocs", {}))

    return project_config


def repository(
    directory: str,
    repo_url: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    repo_name: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    edit_uri: Union[str, NoneType] = None,
    normalize_repo_url: bool = True,
) -> Dict[str, Union[str, NoneType]]

Returns back any information that can be determined by introspecting the projects git repo

(if there is one).

View Source
def repository(

    directory: str,

    repo_url: Optional[str] = None,

    repo_name: Optional[str] = None,

    edit_uri: Optional[str] = None,

    normalize_repo_url: bool = True,


) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]:

    """Returns back any information that can be determined by introspecting the projects git repo

    (if there is one).



        if repo_url is None:

            repo_url = Repo(directory).remotes.origin.url

        if repo_name is None:

            match ="(:(//)?)([\w\.@\:/\-~]+)(\.git)?(/)?", repo_url)

            if match:

                path = match.groups()[2]


                path = repo_url

            repo_name = path.split("/")[-1]

            if repo_name.endswith(".git"):

                repo_name = repo_name[: -len(".git")]

        if edit_uri is None:

            if "github" in repo_url or "gitlab" in repo_url:

                edit_uri = "edit/main/"

            elif "bitbucket" in repo_url:

                edit_uri = "src/default/docs/"

        if normalize_repo_url:

            if repo_url.startswith("git@") and ":" in repo_url:

                tld, path = repo_url[4:].split(":")

                repo_url = f"https://{tld}/{path}"

            elif repo_url.startswith("https://") and "@" in repo_url:

                repo_url = f"https://{repo_url.split('@')[1]}"

            if repo_url and "github" in repo_url or "gitlab" in repo_url or "bitbucket" in repo_url:

                repo_url = repo_url.replace(".git", "")

        return {

            key: value

            for key, value in {

                "repo_url": repo_url,

                "repo_name": repo_name,

                "edit_uri": edit_uri,


            if value


    except Exception:

        warnings.warn("Unable to identify `repo_name`, `repo_url`, and `edit_uri` automatically.")

        return {}


def setup_py(
    location: str
) -> dict

Returns back any configuration info we are able to determine from a file

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def setup_py(location: str) -> dict:

    """Returns back any configuration info we are able to determine from a file"""

    setup_config = {}


        with open(location) as setup_py_file:

            for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(

                if (

                    type(node) == _ast.Call

                    and type(getattr(node, "func", None)) == _ast.Name

                    and == "setup"  # type: ignore


                    for keyword in node.keywords:  # type: ignore

                        if keyword.arg == "packages":

                            setup_config["modules"] = ast.literal_eval(keyword.value)



    except Exception as error:

        warnings.warn(f"Error ({error}) occurred trying to parse file: {location}")

    return setup_config


def toml(
    location: str
) -> dict

Returns back the configuration found within the projects

TOML config (if there is one).

Generally this is a pyproject.toml file at the root of the project with a [tool.portray] section defined.

View Source
def toml(location: str) -> dict:

    """Returns back the configuration found within the projects

    [TOML]( config (if there is one).

    Generally this is a `pyproject.toml` file at the root of the project

    with a `[tool.portray]` section defined.



        location_exists = os.path.exists(location)

        if not location_exists:

            warnings.warn(f'\nNo config file found at location: "{location}"')

            return {}

    except Exception as detection_error:  # pragma: no cover

        warnings.warn(f'\nUnable to check config at "{location}" due to error: {detection_error}')


        toml_config = toml_load(location)

        tools = toml_config.get("tool", {})

        config = tools.get("portray", {})

        config["file"] = location

        if "modules" not in config:

            if "poetry" in tools and "name" in tools["poetry"]:

                config["modules"] = [tools["poetry"]["name"]]

            elif (

                "flit" in tools

                and "metadata" in tools["flit"]

                and "module" in tools["flit"]["metadata"]


                config["modules"] = [tools["flit"]["metadata"]["module"]]

        return config

    except Exception as load_config_error:

        warnings.warn(f'\nConfig file at "{location}" has errors: {load_config_error}')

    return {}